Become a member
The Friends of Nature are committed to a healthy living environment in which people feel comfortable and where they can enjoy their leisure time. To further this commitment, we need you. As a member of Naturefriends Zug, you will make an active contribution to the further development of Naturefriends Switzerland and also benefit from the following services:
- Reduced prices for overnight stays in all Naturefriends houses (around 1000, of which around 70 are in Switzerland)
- Reduced rates in 14 partner hotels in Switzerland and in all NF campsites in Switzerland and worldwide
- Discounted prices for J+S and esa offers and NFS-nature-courses
- Many Section activities every year
- Magazine “Naturfreund” – appears four times a year and informs in an attractive form about leisure, sport, culture and tourism
- 25% discount on orders through the web stores of the brands Keen and Mountain Hardwear
- As a nationally active association, the NCCRs have the right of appeal at the political level. They take a stand on issues in the field of nature and society
More information about the Naturefriends Train can be found here
Membership fees
Individual member Adults | CHF 90.– / year |
Family All persons living in the same household | CHF 130.– / year |